Shared Items - 10/02/2010

Andrew Bolster
Senior R&D Manager (Data Science) at Black Duck Software and Treasurer @ Bsides Belfast and NI OpenGovernment Network
- This was a brilliant event, I just wish I had planned ahead to have a project to work on !
- This is YAPIWD, yet another project i want to (or wont) do…
- I never got into google wave that much but i think i may have to revisit it after reading this article!
- This is more of a ‘NOTE TO SELF’, but hopefully someone else will find a use for it!b
- Another great article from Bruce Schneier. And as always, the great security guru is right; Security based of perfect knowledge is as useless as the ‘Perfect Knowledge’ assumptions that Economists made that led us hook line and sinker into the current financial mess.