Return of the Beard

Andrew Bolster
Senior R&D Manager (Data Science) at Black Duck Software and Treasurer @ Bsides Belfast and NI OpenGovernment Network
So today is my last official day in the University of Liverpool office. Time for a bit of reflection.
This is a self indulgent “For the sake of history and my bad memory” post so feel free to skip it.
It’s just over two years since I left Belfast, and in those two years, life got weird(er).
TL;DR for my own benefit in years to come:
- Worked for DSTL for a while on autonomous maritime systems
- Went to the Bournemouth Airshow
- Studied FPGA programming at Cambridge
- Coordinated a Raspberry Pi Outreach programme between Farset Labs, W5, and Digital Circle (along with the inimitable other Andrew; Mulholland)
- Spoke at TEDxBelfast and the All Island Innovation Conference
- Built a green field network research lab from scratch (it’s still not finished)
- Joined the Liverbeards
- Contributed to a joint project using atomic clocks for submarine location
- Went to GDC in San Francisco as part of an InvestNI organised Trade Mission
- Visited the Microsoft and Google campuses in SF
- Visited Noisebridge (and didn’t get involved in any drama…)
- Presented some research at Stanford
- Played with the Intel Galileo
- Went to Prague
- Got my first paper rejection
- Met the Queen, Prince Phillip, the Duke of York and a load of interesting entrepreneurs at Buckingham Palace
- Participated in VC negotiations and biz dev for a small tech firm
- Spoke at Ignite Liverpool (The video doesn’t do the animations justice…#cringe)
- Drank my way around Manchester with a load of beards
- Secured funding for a Farset Labs Raspberry Jam outreach programme
- Saw Dylan Moran Live
- Presented at a defence conference
- Attended a death metal gig in a suit
- Lost my passport and poster on the way to present at another defence conference…
- Took part in the Worlds Biggest Catwalk
- Presented at TrustCom in Helsinki
- Played glow-in-the-dark-haunted-house-mini-golf as part of what goes down in history as the most random night of my life…
- Was named Liverbeard “Beard of the Month” (well, I was leaving, they had to give me it sometime… :p )
- Participated in a mayoral discussion on smart cities
- Got the most unheard of submission extension
- Finally got rid of a collection of “joke” twitter accounts I’d wired up to IFTTT ages ago and forgotten about… (Sorry QUB…)
- Got a trim from barber-to-the-stars, Cutthroat Pete
- Entered and won my first “food challenge”; a hot-wings challenge (and didn’t cry about it afterwards), also earning my second consecutive Liverbeard-of-the-month-status.
- Discovered far too many awesome bars in Liverpool
- Made some amazing friends I won’t be able to get rid of for the rest of my days
- Managed too many Undergrad, MSc and MEng projects
That’ll do.
Thanks Liverpool! You’ve been a blast and I’ll be back soon enough.
Belfast, prepare yourself.