Asus EEEpc

Andrew Bolster
Senior R&D Manager (Data Science) at Black Duck Software and Treasurer @ Bsides Belfast and NI OpenGovernment Network
Just off the phone with Clove saying that my shiny new black eee 900 is winging its way to my homestead, which unfortunatly is not wer i am, but at least i wont be losing any time for revision (read: have any other reasons not to study)
I have to say I’m really disappointed with Asus’s attitude to they’re british customers regarding the battery issue and i really cant say any more about it except that were paying above the board globally, and not getting an equivalent product and an even less equivilant service.
Nevertheless I’ll be installing Ubuntu as soon as i get my grubby little mits on it, and will hopefully get some pictures, maybe actually get off my ass and do a how to. Might install an internal bluetooth mod aswell…..
On a brighter note, i really have to say Clove have been fantastic, i ordered mine about a month and a half ago and called me back the next day telling me that they were looking at a mid may delivery date, and then called me when the white eee’s came in stock at the beginning of the month, i pointed out that i had previously changed my order to the black, and they were great about it. Highly recommended! Not expensive atall either!
DISCLAIMER : no i dont work for them
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